From Olivia Jeon
If you are the owner of the video, you can make your video downloadable for viewers. Viewers can save the media as a .mp4 format to your desktop for future use. -
From Olivia Jeon
If you are the owner of the video, you can make your video downloadable for viewers. Viewers can save the media as a .mp4 format to your desktop for future use. -
From Olivia Jeon
Media owners can add others as co-editors, co-publishers, and co-viewers to their media. Adding collaborators to your media allows others to edit, manage, or publish… -
From Olivia Jeon
1-minute video that briefly explains the two new functionalities that are added to Kaltura. -
From Robin Leung
This video provides step-by-step tutorial on how to utilize the new Kaltura mobile app to upload videos directly from smartphone and/or tablet with ease. -
From Robin Leung
This video walks you through how to download the new Kaltura mobile app and setup with KPU's Kaltura site. This will allow you to view and access your My Media on… -
From Robin Leung
This video is a walk-through of Kaltura Express Capture, a new feature that is coming at the end of January 2021. It provides the ability to create a simple video/audio… -
From Gordon Cobb
This video illustrates how to add narration and annotation to PPT presentations using Kaltura Capture. It also will show you how to add this video to your Moodle… -
From Gordon Cobb
In this video I illustrate how to format a video in the editor to allow for downloading to your desktop. -
From Gordon Cobb
This video illustrates how to add verbal feedback in the form of an audio file to an assignment in Moodle. -
From Gordon Cobb
This video illustrates how to create a audio recording in Moodle using Kaltura Capture. -
From Gordon Cobb
This video illustrates how to create a screencast video in Moodle using Kaltura Capture. -
From Gordon Cobb
This video illustrates how to create a webcam only video in Moodle using Kaltura Capture.