Moodle Login is changing! This video highlights the upcoming Moodle change away from using Banner IDs to utilizing your KPU email addresses to login. More information to…
From Omar Jakir
This advanced quiz video assumes a working knowledge of the basics of Moodle, as well as some experience in using Moodle quizzes, or previous attendance of the Moodle… -
From Omar Jakir
If you are thinking about creating quizzes in Moodle but do not know how, this workshop is for you. This session has been designed to introduce participants to the… -
From Omar Jakir
This workshop will introduce participants to the advanced functions of Moodle Gradebook. This session has been designed for those who are currently using Gradebook, or… -
From Omar Jakir
This is part one on how to use gradebook in Moodle. This video is for those who are using the gradebook for the very first time or those who have struggled with setting… -
From Gordon Cobb
This video illustrates how to add verbal feedback in the form of an audio file to an assignment in Moodle. -
From Gordon Cobb
This instructional video illustrates how instructors can create and assess a Kaltura Media Assignment as well as how students access the assignment and submit their… -
From Lisa Gedak
This video is for new faculty and faculty who are new to Moodle. The basic login and navigation of Moodle is explained, as well as how to add a resource or activity to… -